I got a message through my family that several of my mom's friends would like to be updated on what is going on with her. I created this weblog to make this communication easier. I will update it every day that I can.
A week ago tonight I got a call from the doctor who did my mom's laser brain surgery at the end of July. He had ordered an MRI of her head because she'd been having dizziness and staggering problems. She said her walking had changed during the week that she was in Ottumwa for her reunion.
The MRI showed that her brain had many lesions.
After meeting with the doctors and talking about options, my mom decided that she wanted to get more radiation to the head. The other option was hospice, and she is not ready for that. She has received 2 treatments so far, and there will be a total of 11.
She also received chemotherapy at the hospital last weekend, as advised by her oncologist. He said that if she wants to go forward with brain treatment he also wants to treat the lungs and liver. While we were at the hospital I asked the nurse to assess her because I had been noticing a daily difference in her gait and in her speech and thinking. It was decided that she should remain inpatient until the treatment with radiation and Decadron alleviate these symptoms of the brain cancer.
Needless to say this has been a very hard week for all of us. But, when I visited my mom last night I saw a difference in her. She had seen the priest I called from the Basilica to give her the sacrament of the sick, and I think that gave her a lot of peace. She was so at peace last night that I asked her if she had received any new drugs (i.e. tranquilizers) today. She said no. And she was talking more like herself, which makes me think that the Decadron is working and reducing her brain symptoms by reducing swelling. Or maybe radiation is already kicking in?
Anyway, today I believe that she will end up coming home to us and spending time here before she goes back to Iowa. Or maybe she will choose to stay here through this whole process. I want her to come home to us because I'm not ready to let go. And neither is she.